Monday, January 30, 2017

Little Workers of the Sacred Hearts in Washington, DC for the most incredible March For Life in History January 2017

From Left to right
Sr. Pamela Martinez, POSC, Sr Marie Kiely, O.S.B, Sr. Jaisy Joseph, POSC,  Sr. Licia Lupinacci, POSC
and Elizabeth Rubio 

Sr. Dede Byrne, POSC, Sr. Pamela Martinez, POSC, Sr Marie Kiely, O.S.B, Sr. Jaisy Joseph, POSC,  Sr. Licia Lupinacci, POSC 


  1. Shame on you for publicly supporting Trump. How DARE you?? You make me ashamed to call myself a catholic.

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  6. So true..are these nuns really so ignorant to not see Trump as the hypocrite that he is or are they choosing to be blind? Do you nuns know what he talked about how he scores women? If you don't know, please listen to the audio clip, he says if you grab any woman by her genitals(not the word he used), she would easily succumb to his will.. shame on this nun Dede Byrne to go and support him on a public forum- at the national convention of the republican party. You only brought terrible shame to all Catholics and please know that he supported pro-life only because it suited him at the moment. He would have thrown you under the bus the moment he thought that's what would suit him better!

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  8. These nuns might be so happy today with the Supreme Court's decision. Please know this, nobody comes to the decision of abortion lightly. Dede Byrne, why don't you open the gates of your luxurious suburban convents to those women and their unwanted children? These nuns are business-women who run posh schools in rich suburbs. They know nothing of the daily struggles of hard-working people out there. They don't know anything about taking responsibility of a life; earning and being responsible for your young ones. These nuns enjoy a luxurious life inside their posh convents without having to shoulder the responsibility of paying rent, paying bills or caring for a spouse and kids. But dont forget that they have taken a vow of poverty! What a sham! It is easy for them to be in their bubbles pretending to be holy and profess unrealistic, other-worldly and impractical ideologies! Christ was a real man, nothing he said was unrealistic. He never even wished to be anywhere near the priests of his time. He called them painted tombs and brood of vipers. I don't think this lot is any different!
