Our Life

All for the Honor and Glory of God, our Almighty Father, Little Workers are obedient to the Holy Father and the teachings of the Catholic Church.  In imitation of Jesus' both active and contemplative life, we constantly intercede for the sanctification of all souls.

Additionally, we welcome pro-life doctors and nurses called to be defenders of life from conception to natural death. Jesus teaches us to do this in His gospel; and this is how we, as Medical Missionaries, will follow Jesus from this moment on.  We also offer continuing medical and nursing education to missionaries around the world.

Our life includes:

•Daily Eucharist (JN 6:56-58)
•Praying the Liturgy of the Hours (Lk 18:1)
•Meditation on Holy Mass Scriptures, especially the Gospel (Jn 20:28)
•Rosary and the Way of the Cross (Jn 14:6 and Jn 2:5)
•One hour of community adoration the Blessed Sacrament and additional time for personal prayer (Mt 26:40-41)
•Confession every other week(Jn 20: 22-23, Lk 18: 14)
•Monthly retreats (Ps 23, Ps 139, Ps 91)
•Recollection day closing with Benediction ( 2:19, Lk 6:12, Ps 46:10)
•Yearly Eight day Canonical Retreat (Lk 10:38-49)
•Religious and Professional continual formation (Mt 11:28-30, Lk 1:37, Lk 9:1-6, Lk 10:29-37, Mt 25:31-46, Lk 6:36-80)

Our work, to serve Jesus in the humble disguise of the poor will only be possible if we nourish our religious prayer lives by daily Eucharist in mass and adoration as well as our daily community prayers of the liturgy of the hours, rosary and monthly retreats.

The place of our Holy Mother Mary and the Saints in our daily lives are examples to us of prayer devotion to the Eucharist, Spiritual Direction, and humble, cheerful, patient works of mercy bringing healing to the poorest of the poor (Vatican II- Universal Call to Holiness; Lumen Gentium, Chapter 46).