
 Corporal works of mercy, medical mission work, and education

"I want to grow evermore in the love of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, to be anchored to the prayer that will have to be the vital essence of my life."- M. Maria Teresa de Vincenti

"Have only one single thought, one single desire, only one holy charity, only one hope: Thy Kingdom Come!" Msgr. F.M.Greco

"Using sweetness in every ocassion bears fruit."- Msgr. F. M. Greco
"Every act is great in service to the Lord, equally worthy, if done well."- M. Maria Teresa de Vincenti

Let us consign our every worry to God; in His will we find our peace and our joy."- M. Maria Teresa de Vincenti
"In my apostolic work, to make me 'all things to all people,' Most Holy Mary will assist me, will be my teacher and guide."- Msgr. Greco
"The Little Worker performs her work in the manner of the Good Samaritan, descending from Jerusalem to Jericho." Msgr. F.M. Greco

"Walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God."- Eph. 5:2

"The Sacred Hearts are our models of prayer, of industry, and of purity."- M. Maria Teresa de Vincenti
"The Spirit of the Institute is founded on love and the practice of the interior life, on the humility and on the charity of our Lord, Jesus Christ."- Msgr. F. M. Greco


  1. Great pictures! Sr. Dede, I like your green "turbante" Ceci

  2. Thanks you for all the wonderful work you do for Jesus!

  3. Thanks for all your wonderful work for Jesus!
